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Street Fighter II V: Resurrection

Rated: T
Cast From: Street Fighter
Central Character(s): Ryu, Ken.
Pairing(s): Ryu/(OC), Fei-Long/(OC)
Genre: Action/Adventure
Contents: Slight foul language
Finished: Yes
Chapter Avaliable: 23
Published Date: November 3, 2002
Finished Date: March 12, 2003
Time of Completion: 4 Months, 1 Week, 2 Days.
Number of FF.net Reviews: 84
My Review
This story was written from November 3, 2002 to March 12, 2003 and received 79 reviews on FanFiction.Net.  I liked writing this story at first, writing a sequel to a great anime series and adding a handful of original characters.  But as you may tell towards the end, I pretty much lost interest in the story.  But it did start something a new...Wagner's popularity.  This was my original character Scott K. Wagner's debut fic.  I mainly was concentrating on the Brewer sisters, but the fans had a bigger interest in Wagner's character and from there has developed in other stories.
Facts: Air Force Legacy was an original sequel to this fic, but it had developed into it's own story instead.
Another sequel was to be written as well involving Ryu and OC Jasmine, but was never written due to lack of reviews in SFIIV:R (usually I would write a sequel if there were 100 reviews or more).
To read the fic, click here!

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