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Chapter Ten

 That same night, Guy called the police to inform them about Billy, the man who attacked Rena. The police came by that night and arrested him. It was no surprise to Guy when an officer told him that Billy worked for Mad Gear.

'Mad Gear?' Guy thought. 'What do they possibly want with Rena?'

Just before going to be in the living room, Guy checked up on Rena. He smirked a bit, seeing how peaceful and innocent she was when she was sleeping.

Before closing Rena's bedroom door, he sighed. 'Hopefully, Billy was just some guy looking for 'entertainment,' he thought. 'If so, then there is no need to tell Rena that he's part of Mad Gear. I don't want to scare her and make her worry all the time. I know it's stupid, but for her, I just don't want her to be afraid.'

He closed the door.


Guy tightened his brown fighting gloves. It was late afternoon at the dojo, which was currently not running their hours. Guy was only there for one reason.

He was here to train Rena in the Bushin Arts.

'I'll have to start with the basics,' Guy thought. 'Just like how my master did it when I began Bushin.'

Rena was getting dressed in the changing room in the back. Guy was all ready with his traditional orange Bushin uniform with a gold trim around his waist and two Japanese symbols on the left side of his uniform, brown fighting gloves, and his white and orange tennis shoes. He waited for Rena in the training room.

Guy noticed a gray punching bag near the back. He walked up to it and stared at it for a little bit in his fighting stance. Then, he lightly punched and kicked at it just lightly enough so that he didn't break a sweat.

As he worked out, Rena came out of the dressing room. She saw Guy punching and kicking at the large bag.

"Don't get yourself too worked up," Rena said smiling.

Guy gave a final hard punch to the punching bag sending it swinging backwards. Guy looked at Rena. He smirked a little thinking how cute she looked with her orange gi and her long black hair tied into a single bun.

"You ready?" Guy asked. He was then snapped out of his trance when the punching bag swung back and smacked Guy sending him flying a few feet to the side.

Rena laughed a little bit. She went to the punching bag and stopped it from swinging. Then, she bended down towards Guy. "Are you okay?" she asked.

Guy laughed a little. "Yeah, I'm okay. That would usually happen to Cody or Greg, but not me."

"Maybe the punching bag's not in a very good mood today," Rena replied. She put her hand out to help Guy up. Guy took her hand and she pulled him back up. For a brief moment, they lock eyes and only stared at each other.

Then, Guy broke the silence. "So, shall we begin?"

Rena smiled. "Yes, Master."

Guy began to walk towards the equipment room. As he did, he spoke to Rena. "The first thing you'll be learning are the basics. The importants of any kind of arts is concentration, speed, and control."

He walked into the equipment room and got out a pair of gloves, the kinds which protected his hands when Rena would practice her punches. Then he walked back over to her.

"Let's start with punches." He clenched his fists and brought them to either side of his hips. Rena watched him and followed as well.

For a few hours, Guy showed Rena some of the basic moves. By the time they were finished, the sun has already set for the night.

"Do you want to get something to eat before we go home?" Guy asked.

Rena smiled at him. "Sure. Let me get back into my regular clothes."

"All right," Guy replied.


After having their drinks at Starbucks, they walked out the door into the streets of Metro City.

"I want to do something tonight," said Guy.

"Like what?" asked Rena.

Guy shrugged. "I don't know.......um, let's go to a club and dance or something."

Rena grinned evilly. "I thought you're anti-social?"

"I am," Guy replied. "I don't know, I just in the mood to go to a club for some strange reason."

"Then let's go," Rena said.

Guy looked at her in surprise. "Are you sure? I mean......"

"Yes, silly, I'm sure." Rena wrapped her arm around his arm. "Let's find a good club and get going."

"All right," Guy said. "There's a place called Jack's. Cody and Jessica go there all the time."

"Do you think they'll be there?"

"Nah, it's Sunday."

"Well, let's go."

They began to walk. Guy looked up at the dark sky. 'Just hope Mad Gear won't be around tonight. I don't want them to ruin our night.'

To Chapter Eleven----->

iceangelmkx (c)

 © iceangelmkx 2004-2013