January, 3, 2011
Holy crap, I'm back! For those who have known where I've been, obviously I've been caught up with
other things which includes focus on other sites and/or real-life rearing it's head.
It's been 3 years since this site was updated. And due to recent circumstances, I've made the decision
to turn this site into mostly a fanfiction site.
The Sprites page will be removed, that I decided since I hardly make them any more. The Articles page
will be kept since they do contain Fanfic advice, rants, etc. I'm undecided about the bloopers page.
The OC page will be revamped, even though I pretty much only use Wagner and Alex these days. And the
links/fanlisting page will also be revamped since half of the fanlistings I have there are no longer active.
It's going to take a bit since, while I post up my older fics (rather than linking them), they will be edited
along the way. I may even take the opportunity to rewrite 'Her Protector' along the way. 'Chishio No Me' will
be the first fic to be posted since there will be no editing involved.
That's all for the time being.