Due to a link that I have seen, I will be taking a precaution and not use the actual
rating system. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) seem to be cracking down on fanfiction sites with "authorized"
ratings (the well-known G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17) and forcing them to close the site downs if they don't change the system.
Therefore, I will be using the rating system based from FictionRatings.Com. Look
below to view the ratings.
Rated K
Suitable for all ages. Free from anything.
Rated K+
Suitable for ages 9 and over. Minor stuff with out serious injury. May contain
mild language.
Rated T
Suitable for ages 13 and over. May contain some violence, mild language, and minor suggested
adult theme.
Rated M
Suitable for 16 and over. May contain strong but not explicit adult theme, strong language,
and violence.
Rated MA
Adults Only! (18 and over). Can contain explicit language, and adult themes.