Rated: T
Cast From: Mortal Kombat
Pairing(s): Kenshi/(OC)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Contents: Nothing Too Drastic
Finished: Yes
Chapters Avaliable: 22
Published Date: March 14, 2003
Finished Date: March 19, 2004
Time of Completion: 1 Year, 5 Days.
Number of FF.net Reviews: 109
My Review
This is one of my drama fics that I enjoyed writing most of all. Just before writing this story, I played
Kenshi's konquest mode in Deadly Alliance constantly just to get a background of his history and what happened as the DA began.
Also with studying other characters in the game, thus this story was created. I decided to add some romance to it too
to spice up things a little. Thus, Alex Walker's debut. This fic would have been completed earlier if it wasn't
for the craziness of college (which I can't help of course), but it is completed now. It's also my very first full-length
Mortal Kombat story.