Rated: T
Cast From: Final Fight/Street Fighter
Pairing(s): Guy/Rena, Cody/Jessica
Genre: Romance, Drama
Contents: Some Swearing
Finished: Yes
Chapters Avaliable: 22
Published Date: November 20, 2002
Finished Date: July 2, 2003
Time of Completion: 7 Months, 1 Week, 5 Days.
Number of FF.net Reviews: 97
My Review
This was another work of writing that I enjoyed writing up very much. This story was written from November
20, 2002 to July 2, 2003 and recieved 95 reviews at FanFiction.Net. This story was meant to be finished by Christmas
2002, but that never came to be. It's mainly on the Final Fight One line with a little blend of Final Fight Two.
The "original character" Greg was created during the writing of this fic. Don't ask me why he was there to begin with.
Also, although Hokuto, Kairi, and Nanase were trained in the Bushin Arts like Guy, I do not think that they are actually related
to Guy in the official Capcom story line. That is only my theory about their relations. If you chose to think
the same theory or not, that is fine.
Facts: A sequel was originally written called "A Fighter's Love" but was cancelled after one chapter due to lack
of fan interest.